Army guy wanted to go shopping!
And why not?
He's being paid for a year in Iraq and has 2 weeks to spend it, so let's go!
We hit up a huge Marshall's cuz it was the closest.
While he was busy shopping for practical things like a leather jacket and jeans, we set off to find ridiculousness

Which we first found in the shoe section.
I give you, Tupac Shoes.
I tell ya, if I was a dead rap star, I would LOVE to have my face plastered all over a pair of bitchin kicks like these!
The little metal piece, yeah it says '2PAC'
As if that weren't enough, there's another shot of him on the side of the shoe too.
They didn't have the size we were looking for, drats.
Course that wasn't the only pair of shoes we found worthy of photographing. . . .

There were also these:
On the tag, if you look closely, the tattoo on the guy's belly says THUG LIFE.
As if a thug would walk around in something as ridiculous as that!

The Big O also found a gem of his own.
A velour Adidas track suit.
He debated whether or not to buy it.
But eventually gave in to temptation.
He totally wore it out to the bar Saturday
People at the bar were giving him funny looks even though they were wearing all kinds of weird shit too!
He's totally rocking the argyle socks too.
(yeah this was in the basement when they were killing more Glenlivet...)
The pants are so big he could have pulled them up to his nipples and they STILL would have been too long!
Notice the Colorful Adidas Kicks.
What a Bitchin' Outfit.

Here's a pic of my n Army Guy outside the club Saturday night.
This picture is so HAWT.
I totally like it in the eye.
I also managed to capture falling snow on camera.
I think that's fucking cool.

This is Lulu.
She's a Freaky Kitty.
But Super friendly.
A few nights I was there, she would come sleep by me . . . and tried to eat my hair!
No biggie, she was a sweetie.

And of course, we went to The New England Aquarium.
Pi can't go on a trip without going to an aquarium.
Total fish freak.
I took TONS of pictures.
They had lots of jellyfish.
Check em out here.

After that we headed to the North End and ate at Pizzeria Regina.
The menu?
Pizza and Beer.
That's it!
Fucking delicious.
We were in Little Italy, which means the streets were narrow and there were Italian restaurants everywhere!
We stopped for canolis, coffee and then headed off to Harvard Square.
We wandered around and did some more shopping for a bit, stopped for martinis, then, finally,

Creamy, clammy goodness . . . .
I'm salivating just thinking about it.
Boston is a place full of construction, angry drivers, tasty food, and coppers.
Tons of fucking coppers!
I'm totally going back when it's above freezing!
I want to get Vanilla Ice photos put on my shoes...
Why not? He's dead and buried, too...
oh, crap... I forgot about The Surreal Life. I guess I'll have to wait a few more years before he's completely off the radar to immortalize him on my kicks.
Eventually, though... he'll be part of my Roos with Velcro laces.
I want to go to this Beantown
Harvard sucks.
Looks like you had fun.
I want Keith Moon shoes.
Somehow I don't think Tupac had shoes in mind when he rapped about legacy...
Roos with velcro and Vanilla Ice Ice Baby?! what a fantastic idea!
You'd have to make sure they're fit to kick it to 'girls wearing less than bikinis' while rollin in your 5.0
yo thas riiigght!
Harvard was just a bunch of old buildings, pretty, but I didn't get this feeling like I was near greatness or anything.
Lauren - you should! But only when it's nicer outside! And bring allergy meds! I was stuffed up and sneezing the whole time I was there. Not sure what it was, but it bothered me. . .
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