Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Cartoon Lust

I love animation, cartoons or whatever you want to call them...

I'm sure I've written of the love I have for Batman

After school cartoons, Batman the Animated Series...

That square jaw and deep voice,

We've got a special thing going on, he and I...

But lately another hero of sorts has been occupying my time...

All the snow this winter (51 inches!!) has made me a tad reclusive.

And what do you do when you can't leave the house?

(Other than masturbate furiously, which only takes up a couple hours at best...)

You watch your DVDs over and over...and play video games.

During those 'activities' I have managed to fall in lust with the Swedish Murder Machine.

I give you Brock Samson:

This sexy hunk of animated flesh is voiced by none other than Patrick Warburton

Now, that isn't something I picked up on right away.

I was too busy enjoying the pop culture references and priceless moments to read the credits...

On the third or fourth time through the second season, he said something that just made something in my head >CLICK<

Man, that sounds SO familiar!

Yes, I watched both seasons of the Venture Brothers this past Saturday...12 hours straight.

I've got priorities.

If you haven't seen it, get your ass over to Cartoon Network's Adult Swim and soak it up!

A wiki page set up by fans...

Right, the credits roll...Brock Samson...Patrick Warburton.....

Why is that so familiar....

BAM it hit me....Holy shit! That's Puddy!

Mr. Scott's iPhone quickly verified it.

I have the hots for Puddy.

Er, his voice.

Mostly it's the fact that Brock runs around naked and kills people...

Why are you naked?

To prey on their fear. Move like and animal to feel the kill


I'm obsessed.

It's maddening.

Do check it out!!

Is my nerd hanging out yet?


Mike said...


i think this post is sexist!!

Spicy Little Pi said...


Are you saying you'd rather read about my attraction to Molotov Cocktease?

Leafs Fan said...

Batman rules.

I loved the series with Adam West personally. I've got all of season 1 downloaded...

Mike said...

No, sexist as in I mean it'd be nice to hear about your "i'd totally go lesbo for" instead of cartoon characters!!!

Spicy Little Pi said...

oh mike, you're such a guy...

Mike said...

lol thanks... right?

Spicy Little Pi said...

right ;)