The 'Featured Dancer' was none other than Porn Star: Texas Barbie
I was excited. I love women and I love Strip Clubs.
I was with a group of friends, at The Lumberyard, 'Where real men go to get wood'
Right as we walked in, they started offering polaroids with her for 5 bucks.
I was game.
As I walked across the stage, she smiled at me, and said, 'Wow, you're pretty! Normally I'd sit on the guy's lap, but how about we stand instead?'
Damn. I wanted her on my lap. But I was too stunned in the first place to come up with anything other than, 'Oh, ok.'

Great compliment, a Porn Star thinks I'm pretty!
'Come find me after the show and I'll sign a picture for you.'
Later on, there was another opportunity to, um, 'get closer' to her. . .
'OK people, 5 bucks to get up on stage!'
I had no idea what for, but I did it anyway.
So I get up on stage, and the strippers are laying us down in rows. . .
I look to my left and there's a guy, completely wasted, 'HEY! What are we doing up here?!'
I don't know!
It's my Bachelor Party, this is awesome!!
He was having a great time. I turn to my right, and there's another drunken bastard laying next to me, 'It's my birthday!'

Happy Birthday!
Next thing I know, I see Texas Barbie walking around Butt-Ass Naked on stage. . .
She comes towards me, waves, 'Oh Hey! It's You!'
She squats.
Over my face.
She is pierced.
There's pierced Porn Star Clit 3 inches from my face.
What's a girl to do?
. . .
So I licked it.
I figure I'm never going to be in this situation ever again. (Unless I keep going to Strip Clubs)

A few reactions to this story:
Do you have any idea where that thing's been?!
No, but I'm sure I could go to the nearest Sex Shop and find out. . .
Are you fucking serious!? You didn't?!
I sure did.
That's Gross!
::Shrug:: At least I have a cool story and a polaroid with a naked Porn Star.
Tears are streaming down UB's face...what a beatuiful story...
why thank you :)
Wow, no wonder her name is Barbie. She looks exactly like my sister's Barbie that I used to undress when I was a kid.
Except my sister's Barbie had less plastic.
Thanks for the nice story this morning.
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