In October I went to Vancouver and had a fabulous time hanging with Chad, Smelly, Patz, and Shaz...
This time I'm heading East to Boston
I'm leaving tomorrow night and there's so much CRAP going on here at work
It's driving me nuts.
Course there's a little freaking out going on since I'm INTEGRAL.
Haha, I'm so vain. (even if it is a little true!)
I'm stealing a little time to myself to throw up a little post, sue me.
So in case you didn't know, I'm Awesome. (on top of vain...)
Yes, a sucker for a good cause.
Thanks for the props, Jetson!

Anyway, I have no solid plans for this little trip to Boston.
Other than I better get to the aquarium, each some sushi and chowder, and hang with my buddy Beckman.
He's in da ARMY in Iraq.
He'll be meeting Pi and the Big O in Boston.
We haven't seen him in F O R E V E R.
Pretty excited.
Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll get to meet Uncle Buck from Chowdaheads.
But he's a little busy with work and making a family and whatnot.
I'm planning like I'm totally going on this trip.
But I'm not getting my hopes up.

(Low expectations=extreme pleasure when result is 'just okay')
We're taking a little guy over to Chicago first.
I'm totally eating a hotdog at O'Hare.
Then we get on a real plane to go to Boston.

Coincidentally, the same kind of plane that crashed in western Venezuela killing 160 people...(gawd, you worry too much...)
Well, if you'll recall, or not and just go here, I didn't have the easiest of times getting to Vancouver.
The last flight I booked for the ol boss was delayed and then cancelled due to 'Mechanical Difficulties'
The last time The Big O flew, he had to sit on the plane for 3 hours while a 'Mechanical Difficulty' was resolved.
I ended up being harassed by a fishman I met while drunk in Phoenix.
Big O missed his connecting flight and was uber late to Cali.
The boss was at the airport at 5am. Since the flight was cancelled he was able to work instead.
So if we get off the ground, albeit late, we'll get there, right?
I hope so!
Pi won't be around for awhile, at least it looks that way.
I bet I come back to a pile of work on my desk.
'Punishment' for being young, single, and able to travel at my leisure . . .Haha, eat it, suckers!

I need to get out of Iowa for a little bit - can you blame me?!
Back in town next Tues night...and Mr. Squeeze is picking me up from the airport, how sweet =D
Tons o'pics and stories when I get back!
Say it, Frenchie, "SHAU-DERE!"
Iowa isnt so bad. You can get potatos really cheap I bet. Wait that is Idaho.
Ok, I have read and commented on two of your colorful posts.
Time to look at my blog.
aaahhh bos, you're an eye-for-an eye kinda guy then....
maybe I already have looked...
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Generally I do not post on blogs, but I would like to say that this post really forced me to do so! really nice post.
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