And I just snarfed some fast food for lunch.
I'm in a grease-inspired coma.
So this is all you get to look at for the next week!
(such a bitch, i know.)
And cuz I haven't done one of these in awhile.
Recent Keyword Activity:
- pictures of women drunk and barfing
- cheesey office sayings
- italian mexican guido
- flooring gallery jayda iowa
- fantasy cliche
- dirty little diesel driving devil
- sticky jeans
Want entertainment?
Go read something in the sidebar or sift through the archive bin or my flickr.

Spicy's going to Boston!
I might blog from there, depending on how accessible/motivated/NERDY I'm feeling.
I can't resist an internet connection, I reallllly can't.
So sexy with all its knowledge, filth, and wonder. . .
You know what I mean!
East Coast, here I come :D
Doesnt snarfed mean you sneeze and and accidently poot? Sneeze + fart?
I remember the quiet girl in sixth grade did that and everyone pointed and laughed.
Guess what!?
I linked you ;) See, I do stalk
Considering how lazy I've been with my site (8 days whoa) we'll forgive you...
Have fun!
I get weird keywords on my statcounter too. Creepy peoples indeed.
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