Since New Year's Eve fell on a wonderful Sunday giving everyone Monday off, we partied it up alllll weekend.
We started on Friday.
Occasion: Ike the Duke was in town from Texas
I've heard stories about The

Legendary 'This one time, back in college, my rugby buddies and I. . .' kinda stories
We all met up at the High Life Lounge
Where else?!
All the guys there had nicknames...
Highbeams, A-bomb, I can't even remember the rest...
The Big O was showing off his bitchin' new Kicks
When I first heard about em I

What color aren't they?! he replied . . .
Now I get it.
The boys were tearing into 8 packs of Quiet Ones when I arrived.
Small, cute, quiet, 6 dollars, but deadly.
I rocked the Premium Grain Belt, of course.

I was obssessed with sticking that bottle WAY into my mouth for pics that night...
After last call the boys rounded each other up and we met at Ben's place.
They ran to the QT for a case 'o beer.
::guys rush through door, thristy looks on faces, gasping:: WHAT TIME IS IT?!
5 seconds past two says the store clerk.
What a jerk.

So we killed a bottle of Crown.
Took this picture:
That's my green suede jacket.
And a GEM of a $12 guitar clock they found at Walgreens.
You know you're jealous.
And guess what?
It flashes on and off, on and off, on and off...
Then we played some Tiger Woods Golf.
Stayed up till 6.30am.
I passed out on the floor. Ouch. Back. hurt.
Saturday was wasted away on the couch, until I met up with the boys to watch some football . . .
We got some pizza and then Ike n I headed out to the bar to chill with Fratter.
No one likes Fratter but Ike.
I understand why.
Anyway, that night was alright, but since Friday kicked so much ass, more pics of that:
Jesus likes Ass

He even looks surprised that he's grabbing it!
I haven't laughed as hard as I did that night and the following nights while hanging with these guys.
That's the good stuff.
This one cracks my shit up!
The people sitting behind us were staring in awe. . .
When Ben came up for air he stressed the importance of thumbs-over-lips in making this look real
I'm not sure they believed him!

Finally, Sunday.
More time on the couch.
I got my shit together and went to the hotel about 3ish.
Our room wasn't ready yet.
You have a HUGE New Year's Eve bash EVERY YEAR and you s

Off to the restaurant.
The boys show up.
Bloody Mary time.
Blahblahblah after awhile we got our room and everyone arrived and all the booze and snacks were strewn about...
You should have seen the spread.

2 Gallons of Vodka
A handle of Parrot Bay, a handle of Bacardi Limon, some 151, Malibu, Captain, UV blue, orange juice, 2 gallons of cranberry, 2 cases of redbull...6 bottles of Champagne!
It was beautiful.
We all got ready and looked FAHbulous, as you can see.

Fahhbulous despite drinking in the shower and while curling hair.
Ben and Ike LOVE Outkast, so they did the cover pose.
Me n my bartender from the bowling alley:

Yeah, we're hot.
After a little wandering around and drinking the boys took off to 'pull'
We hustled to get down to the nacho bar
that was included in our package...
Pretty tasty. even if they did come up later.
We did a little dancing, wandered around, gaped at the way some of the ladies were dressed...
Pointed out who was on the prowl.
The first band was playing so we went to check em out in the ballroom...
The Dead Cowboys.
Ike and Ben were flailing around on the dancefloor, 'rockin' out'
People were actually singing that shit.
It was awful.
Big O said they were playing '70s country songs with a rock twist.
In other words, CRAP.
By the time the good band came on, Hairball, I was up in the room throwin up m'guts.
I took a break from hurling to check em out, that's how I know they were good.
They fucking rocked all the big hits of the 80s.

Something did not agree with me...
I tried to keep the party going, but I think my old lady-ness is catching up with me.
3 straight nights of hard partying, barely anything to eat, and little sleep caught up to me.
I still made it out to the balcony to watch the balloon drop at midnight - and text Mr. Squeeze ;-)

I even partook in some Champagne.
Mmmm champagne.
Couldn't miss out on that part...
The 'good stuff' we had on hand, Korbel.
Not that $3 peach knock off shit. . .
And then, seemingly out of nowhere, as if we were missing it,
OMG her and her bf just bought a house together and she's mad she didn't get a ring for their 1-yr anniversary, or her birthday, or new year's, AND he told her he's been cheating on her.
She jacked him in the face.
Course that shit HAD to go down in our room.
They weren't even staying there!
Other highlights include the guy in the green shirt disappearing all night and then showing up with some dishevled drunk chick...all prepared to make out.
how the fuck did HE pull and I didn't?! oh right i was barfing in the bathroom...
We ordered pizza.
The delivery guy brought us the wrong room's order. We tipped him $20 before we figured that out.
About an hour later, as Ben had his pants around his knees and was shaking his banana hammock back n forth showing off his prowess our REAL pizza guy showed up.
Awesome timing.
Shortly after, Ike came bolting out of the bedroom, where he had some bitch 'in deep conversation' and tried to tackle Ben. . .
He ended up sitting on 2 of our 3 pizzas!

Ah, well.
All in all a good time.
Ben's resolution is to never hang out with the drama queens again.
Even though I was too sick to get drunk, the boys kept me entertained all night, so I'm not that upset about it!
Hairball is so on for next year!
holylongpostbatman. this seriously took me over an hour, you better appreciate bitches!
Damn girl!
Even post-hurl, you look seriously spicy! Very nice dress.
You definitely spent the weekend in true Rock Star fashion.
After reading your recap, I realized that my 'celebration' was quite weak this year. I'll have to make up for that next year.
And what made dude decide to tell her that he's been cheating on NYE? And AFTER they bought a house together??? That's more drama than I've seen in years!
Almost as much fun as I had!
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