dirty- talkin- feels- just- like- it- should SEX.
Ok, maybe you do know.
How about those Cliche Fantasies?
C'mon, we all have em, we've all heard of em, seen em on TV etcetc
I must admit, sometimes they get to me.

Here are some of my faves . . .
The Hot Delivery Man - the milkman, mailman, UPS guy, FedEx guy, DHL guy, etcetc - I've got a special delivery for you!
The Hot Maintenance Man - found in your office and/or apartment building - I need my plumbing looked at...
The Boss - Power Trip - I'll show you who's really in charge!

The Co-Worker - Naughty Trip, time to keep a dirty secret!
The Cute Police Officer that pulls you over (or any man in uniform - RAWR) - But Officer, there must be someway I can make it up...
Lately it's been The Hot Maintenance Man Fantasy that's grabbed me.
I run into him on occasion, but not nearly enough...
It'd be nice to go home for lunch....

Are you going to meet me there?
Sure...OK, be ready for...
*Pot Roast & SEX*
I open my door to a naked man on the couch and lunch on the table.
How nice would that be?!
Maybe he could keep his toolbelt on...
I need to find something that needs a fixin in my apartment...other than this ache in my loins
(lol did you really just say that, pi?!)
What kinds of little cliche fantasies do you use to escape during the day?
He's mine...
hmmm normally i'd say 'step off, bitch'
but this time i think we can double the fun instead...what's a little piece of hot maintenance man among bloggers?
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