Funny, I go back and read that and wonder how I had such a sense of humor about being a Mucus Monster...
I usually get all miserable and irritable.
I can be a very Not Nice Pi.
Yet I'm here at work.
I'm such a trooper.
Just don't give me more work to do.
My head hurts and my right tonsil is swollen.
Like a frickin' jawbreaker in my throat.
I'm living on soup, Halls, and water. blahhhhhhhhhhhhh

I missed a kick ass birthday party last night. And I'll prolly have to be LAME this weekend...
Like, not party. What a drag.
You have to be all responsible and growed up, Pi!
Maybe I'll be able to get the 5 errands I've been meaning to do for the last 3 weeks but haven't cuz I was too hung over and didn't get out of bed till noon...
I guess the money vs. a day in bed...feel better!
thanks, lauren!
Hey no prob, blog land is all about optimism and cheerleading...
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