It's the car that's going exactly the same speed as you, and you follow them, or they follow you...
It's like your cars are flirting, passing and weaving together, in perfect harmony.
But how do you know they're your buddy and not just a Highway Fling?
When you move into the right lane after passing, and they follow you...instead of passing you...(aawww how sweet)
There are times when they get tired of you, a group of faster moving cars comes by, and your buddy decides they want to go faster, so they join the group, and leave you. (the bastard)

My Highway Buddy from yesterday spent a good 22 miles with me, even got off at the same exit...
That's when it could get creepy.
But he wasn't some creepy old guy or a douchebag....
I kept looking to see if he was wearing a wedding ring...(cuz i'm like that)

We drove half way through town together, then went our separate ways, but only after exchanging glances and a smile.
The creepy Highway Buddy is the one that rolls down his window and starts asking if you want to go out sometime and 'Where do you live?'
While his girlfriend/wife is in the passenger seat giving me the Evil Eye.
Hey, do you want to go out?
And where do you live, anyway?
actually i have a HUGE hunky bf that can crush beer cans with his biceps and i'm about to move very, very far away...
That's not all that impressive. The Jetson can crush beer cans with his mind.
WELL, the Pi doesn't date super freaks from outer space like the Jetson!
Maybe you could use your mind to crush the little tin-can cars these douches are driving...
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