I went to possibly the best house party ever
Since I'm Special and friends with all the guys that live there, I was early to help setup etc (well sorta)
UM dressed in his loin cloth, just as he has for every costume party we go to. It's too fab not to wear!
Spider Webbing was put up in the basement.
Basement = low ceiling.
Not such a great idea in retrospect.
It got caught on ppls hair and costumes and was all over the place, it came down a few hours
into it...

The Dj showed up.
Fucking sweet.
DJ C, from the band Full Day Affair, drove up from St. Louis to spin.
He was awesome!
Funk, 80s, 90s, hip hop, house. We heard it all.
'Thank you for lettin me be myself again' played over 'Rythm Nation' = **AWESOME**.
I was running around in my rented vintage Minidress, big hair, big makeup, big hoop earrings, black tights (my ass woulda fallen out otherwise!) and Baby Pink Glitter Platforms.
I was super tall and I think that scared some guys.
Totally Fab.

So Fab, that I had free beer and got to hang out in the DJ booth all night.
I think the neatest costume I saw was Toad.
Yep. Toad, from Super Mariokart.
This guy had made a gokart out of cardboard and was wearing it around his waist, a blue vest, and mushroom cap, with 3 balloons from the battle mode.
I was the first one to scream 'TOAD!!'
I was surprised no one else knew what he was right away.

Yeah, I'm that cool. Mario Kart was a staple back in the day. (and would be now if i had a system..)
3 Kegs of Keystone Light (it was in a college town, give em a break!) and a tall pony of Boulevard PaleAle later...
It turned into a mini-rave.
About 5 am-ish, cuz i'm not positive what time it was, a few of us took off to a drug den.
I watched a dog smoke pot all on his own.
He walked over to the bong, grabbed a tube in his mouth and smoked away.
How long did it take you to train him to do that?!
I didn't train him, he did it all on his own!

Fucked up.
My jaw hurts. My fingers hurt from biting them. My feet hurt from those platforms. My back hurts from various things. My shoulders burn. Some guy fell in love with me. The lights were pretty. I have what looks like a hickey near the base of my neck, but it's really a scrape. I have no idea where it came from.
Know what I'm talking about when I say I didn't sleep? I left around 9am...
Ended up at the ex's place cuz I knew I was coming down and could trust him to take care of me.
I felt like ass until about 5pm. Food was unappetizing until 6:30. I prolly slept 5 hours between Saturday morning and 2pm Sunday.
I managed to forget my camera!
Amazing, I know. I usually take it everywhere.
No pics of me in my costume. But I will be doing a watered down version for work.
I missed a photo-op with The Buger King Guy (creepy) and a midget!
Damnit Spicy!
What a great time. Not to be done every week or two weeks or even every month, but it was awesome.
I'm going to have to demand that we see some pictures of you in costume...
...and not the watered down version.
well I'll see what I can do...
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