She's a teeny little thing.
Jayda, the Ugly One, is about 3 years old.
She only weighs 6 pounds.
Her hair was about 5 inches long.
She has a FLAT FACE. (notsogood for cleaning)
Lots of hairballs. (make pi angry)
There's nothing like coming home from a hard day's work (and blogging) to find a nice pukey stain ON YOUR BED.
On your 600 thread count sheets.
Time to draw the line.
an action shot:
And She's Thrilled:

After she started being nice again, I was able to snap a little picture of us.
Aren't we cute?

Drooly, the fat one, didn't recognize her.
She growled at her.
She swatted at her.
Poor thing.
I think she's adorable.
And she totally deserved it.
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