Saturday I proved to myself that I cannot be trusted to wander around a mall or any store that's having a sale.
Especially if I'm carrying a credit card. (evil}:)
The only time I spent outside in the daylight was walking to and from my car.
SIGH Silly female urges.
I caught the last hour of various movies.
Like Groundhog Day, one of my favorites.
Some Australian movie from the early '90s with a young Russell Crowe looking all small-town cowboy.

Takes me back to childhood.
The costumes are ridiculously cheesey and over the top. I've never seen so many sequins!
Flash I love you! But we only have 14 hours to save the Earth!
What a selfless statement.
Best line I heard: She's magnificent. We will take her and breed with her and send our Imperial Progeny to repopulate your planet.
Oh, Snap?
This morning as I was exiting the highway, after my excruciating almost-3-mile-commute, I saw a license plate that made me giggle.
Then it made me think. . . WTF
We've all seen the stupid macho plates, I've even seen one that said GET BEER...
But who would WANT THIS for a license plate?

A big THANKS to the little intern that took stupid shit off my desk, which allowed me to blog at work today!
he's all man and he's all yours!
Sweet...I'll call him...Archibald...
There are so many!
The one I succombed to was drowning my sorrows by spending copious amounts of CA$H
damn that always makes me feel better.
Archibald is a very suitable name!
OK... CALL the next time you want to spend cash ( or charge ) just for the pleasure of it!
It's scary...I'm flipping ( cause of my ADD ) then I start looking at all the dates of the movies ( cause of my OCD ) and I remember, Flash Gordon, Charolette's Web, and many others ...then thinking I'm PAYING for these?!
I miss my "vanity" plate of years gone by UAMAZD ( on my then cool little "sports car" )
are you opening a spenders anonymous hotline?!
charlotte's wed rocked. i loved that movie. i even carved her image into a linoleum tile in the 8th grade and made a stamp! i'm so cool.
was your little sports car red by chance?
the pig gave me the best line I still use when meeting people...
"Greetings and Salutations!" everyone knows they have heard it before but the looks you get...
Not red...Black and Gold...
a true rarity a Cosworth Vega
sweet! a pimp-mobile!
Greetings and Salutations...isn't the in Charlotte's Web?!
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