Our friend Jessi, recently back from Florida, and now a little wimp when it comes to cold, happened to be around!
She, too, has felt the touch of the Sammich Shoppe.

Big O was determined to be 'That Creepy Guy' in the background of the pictures . . .

Big Dan's just happy to be out n drinking!

The Big O in deep thought. . .

And then things got a little rowdy . . .
my boobs DID look fantastic that night...

Time to switch bars! We walked down to the Royal Mile, a pub of some sort, and ran into some people . . .

Then we really started getting our Drink On, we're pretty toasted here . . .

Did I mention we were rowdy?

Note Big O being creepy in the background!

We hit DRUNK around 1:30 . . . after Birthday Boy drank some SCOTCH
I wandered off to some after hours where I drank a half a beer and spilled the rest on some guy, and then passed out on a couch for a few hours...
Naked Hummus couldn't WALK so Big O and Big Dan had to damn near drag/carry him.
We knew we wouldn't want to go far so I got us a hotel room at the Marriott . . . Here's the room when I checked in:

And when I returned at 5am:

A good night!
We felt a little older...we're not in college anymore..usually we'd still be drinking at 5am!
We had a case of beer on ice for when we got back, I think we killed 2 cans.
More pics from that night in the flickr!
Fun good for you whoo! Now that I'm in actual employment I hope to have fun like that! Until then, JEALOUS!
i always enjoy a good groping!
I think we all enjoy a good groping.
Some of us just prefer be on the groper's end instead of the gropee's.
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