Oh hey, it's your boss, could you blah blah blah, and then blah blah blah blah? I'm probably not going to be around much today and blah blah blah BEEEP ya fuckin jerk....garblegarble click
. . . next message . . .
It's me again I didn't finish leaving my message some asshole cut me off and caused a 4 car pile up... anyway, could you do that and blah blah blah? let me know if questions blah blah blah . . .
Maybe you shouldn't be on the phone while you're driving!
At every stoplight I sit at, there are at least 4 people on their cell phones.

Not me, oh no, I'm the idiot sitting in my car, dancing and singing badly.
You know you've done it.
Sure, I look a little ridiculous, but who has a better chance of causing an accident?(Who know? Maybe I've caused a few simply cuz people were gawking at me freakishly flailing about at the wheel)
I don't see anyone making a fuss about passing laws against Driving and Seat Dancing.
Could you imagine....
Ma'am, were you driving and seat dancing back there at the stop sign?
Me? No, officer, I was uh...having a seizure...

You might look at me, point and laugh...
But at least I'm not the one on a hands free cell.
That bitch looked fucking crazy yelling at her windshield.
Then you got guys like this goober, thinking he's SO clever.
There's nothing scarier than bad drivers with cell phones. This one mate of mine is completely absentminded and a crappy driver and can't wait to drive with her cell phone...
I'm scared to go back to Canada for that reason alone.
i have a coworker that always drives when a few of us go to starbucks for a 'meeting' or out to lunch...absent minded, inattentive, brakes late and hard...scares the crap out of me!
i don't wanna die just cuz i went for a latte.
well here in the ATL the cell phone abuse is wicked bad... one county has passed a local law that states if you are found to have been on your cell phone and involved in an accident DING $500.00 EXTRA fine. I say fine the shits NOW. I want to import a cell phone jamming device JUST to have in my vehicle with me. I would be classic to be sitting there watching all these shithead trying to figure out why their phones dropped.
I've elected to not die for a latte either: my friend will not drive me anywhere :P
At least the province has been smart in denying her a licence up to this point...her instructor thinks he can work with her though...heaven forbid.
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