I have lots of empty picture frames in my apartment. I love them.
I have a younger brother.
I care more than I let on.
I have 17 yr old friends on MySpace. I'm so cool.
One of them works at Abercrombie & Fitch. Double cool points for me.
I can dumb myself down in order to enjoy any movie. (i swear, i even liked Stealth.)
I always attract the dorks, but if they're decent looking I'll give them a chance.
Low self-esteem is my biggest turn off. (which is what usually screws it up for the dorks)
I (still) don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

I stuffed my oatmeal into the BetaMax. Twice.
I have a hard time remembering the end of a movie unless I've seen it a bazillion times.
Fall is my favorite season.
I played soccer for 8 years.
When it comes to celebrating or gift giving, I prefer to go over-the-top.
I love Dr. Pepper.

I think Evil Power is sexier than Good Power.
I've been busted for drunk driving.
If I've had a really bad day or week, it all goes away once I buy a new pair (or two!) of sexy heels.
I don't like jello!
I've never been to a funeral.

I feel most at home near a body of water. (which is probably why I have 85 gallons of aquarium)
Later in life, under the right circumstances, I could turn out to be a Crazy Cat Lady!
I can't see myself growing 'old'
I buy picture frames with the models in them and leave them as is around my house. I tell people they are related.
ooohhh what attractive relatives you have!
(snooty) HahHaw, yes I knoooow, we have faabulous genes...
Maybe I'll try that...
You played soccer for 8 years!?!?!
grass fairies.............
I used to work for a funeral home. I went to more funerals in one summer most people go to in a lifetime. Including their own.
cuz digging graves in the winter would rully suck arse.
Loving Dr. Pepper good :)
Drunk driving bad >:-( and I'm sure you learned your lesson :P
yes, lauren, and what an expensive lesson it was!
a funeral home?! :O were the owners all crazy weirdos like that show 6 Feet Under?
haha anon must be american...face it, soccer is taking over the US, whether you like it or not...besides it's sorta mandatory since I'm mexican and all!
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